1981 IBM Personal Computer (PC)

The computer which caused the death of CP/M computers. In the early part of 1980, IBM decided to create a microcomputer (up to this date, IBM produced only mini and mainframes). They didn’t really know that they wanted and they didn’t think for one second that producing microcomputer was a profitable business (who would have […]

1985 Commodore Amiga 1000

The inventor of the Amiga 1000 was Jay Miner, who created the Atari 800 many years before. He wanted to make the most powerful computer ever, then he joined a small Californian company called Amiga. He used the principle of the three coprocessors (again) to help the main processor. At the beginning, the Amiga had […]

1982 Sinclair ZX Spectrum

The Sinclair ZX Spectrum was one of the most popular European computers of the 80’s. Two models were launched: one with 16 kb RAM and one with 48 kb RAM. One of its most “interesting” characteristics is its keyboard! Some keys have more than five (!) functions! It is impossible to type BASIC keywords letter […]

1980 Sinclair ZX80

After the modest but encouraging success of the MK-14 (initiation board with hexadecimal keyboard), Sinclair (at the time Sciences of Cambridge) decided to develop a slightly more advanced computer. The ZX-80 is regarded as a pioneer system in micro-computing as at the time the only available computers were kits for hobbyists like the MK-14 or […]

1980 Acorn Atom

The Acorn Atom was the ancestor of the BBC computers series. It was sold in kit or ready-assembled versions. The great advantage of the Atom compared to its competitors (TRS-80 & PET), was its high resolution capabilities (256 x 192) which were quite unusual in 1979 for the price. The built-in BASIC was in some […]

1981 Sinclair ZX81

Schematics and Techinical Information at Github Zx81 Repos The ZX81 is the third computer from Sir Clive Sinclair’s company, following the MK14 and the ZX80. Even having a relatively simple electronics, since it is made up of only 4 chips, it represents a significant improvement over its predecessor ZX80. The computer is based on Zilog’s […]